Monday, December 6, 2010

Pressure Point, Fall Asleep

The Advent Journeys Tag 6

Today is St. Nicholas Day!
the day, pull on the journeymen in the evening through the dark streets, the companion of St. Nicholas, actually a bright, sunny and kind man is and was. The dodgy characters are unknown to us as Krampus and sometimes a little naughty with her tail.

The St. Nicholas was always very exciting for me. For when the holy man came, this was a first, real harbinger of Christmas. There was always a small plate offerings, nuts, Oranges, gingerbread, a small gift was sometimes too. For me it was always socks or gloves.

We received a "small" were always surprised, excited and terrified when it rattled at the door, rattled and deafened. In the evening, when everything was quiet, came the St. Nicholas, and had this golden book in which everything was what we had done during the year.
How did he know that was often a mystery to us and yes, as a child believes you're just in Santa Claus, Christmas and the time before Christmas is a wonderful time full of secrets.

I came to the Mystery in the age of about 5 or 6 years on the track. A friend had told me then that she knew that St. Nicholas would be appointed by the parents and that they would be responsible for what you get and what the Nicholas of such a know. And this Christmas, decorating the tree, not that makes the mom and the parents buy the presents.

disappointed I was and I did not like this idea really. You disenchanted everything put everything into question. How mean!

But, curious and bold as I was and am, I decided to come, the mystery of Santa Claus on the track. My Plan was simple. The fine gentleman who would come in the evening, a closer look, even if I felt it a little afraid

the evening, I built just a straw star, it was time. A journeyman with a hilarious dark jacket, which shimmered golden fur and margins had a bad Tyrolean hat stand with a red patch of color on it and smeared with black face from me.
I was shaking like a leaf, but was brave. For me the guy was really more than familiar.
He talked me into the "conscience" and I said good on my poem, my gift was received politely and said goodbye and with a Grumeln in the abdomen.

The voice? How do I know her? And the hat, I realized it was old hat work of my father, getting sprayed with a red splash, as he repaired a scratch on his car. The jacket I did not know, but the rubber boots and jeans of the fine Mr. Nicholas, who had called the Krampus, because I was such a "bad girl" was, I could assign a neighbor.
long story short, I unmasked the rascal when he called and I answered the phone shortly

And when I was with my new socks and a belly full. Marzipan was in bed, my comment was to my mother, "Uncle E. was not a good camera!"
Then I fell asleep, with new knowledge, but the magic of Advent, I did not let me take. I've always kept in the heart and schmunzle today about some "unmasking" later.

is the fascination, joy, and I also am in the heart but still the little girl lousy when it comes to Christmas and the is beautiful.

Are you still in the child a little rascals?

Nicholas greetings
Birgit Bauer


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