I say just one word: snow.
We talk about lots of snow. But who am I telling this to the entire country is virtually "under snow. The winter wonderland is wonderful and when I was just out there to capture the morning mood in pictures, because now the sun rises and our neighborhood looks like a fairy tale village. The world whispers and I admit, however beautiful it is, it gave me this morning but then elicit a huge sigh: Again shoveling snow. So, I thought of my eye, the wegschippt these mountains. I'm spreading the daily service for small tasks such as grit and nachschippen if necessary.
addition: a special Christmas gift that was it today
addition: a special Christmas gift that was it today
We stood in our small, snowy courtyard groaned in chorus with the editorial cat that was based on only the tail and raised his head to locate and We somehow made to work.
Our problem now is that we clear away the snow can not do, because our land is small, but we have a lot of sidewalk to clear and our court still must remain accessible. So we shovel in the winter mountains. There, a bunch, because a heap. What our view from the kitchen window rather restrictive, because we see mountains. Snow mountains.
we So when were beginning to think about where we hinbugsieren the white splendor and devises a plan to organize ourselves a wheelbarrow to the vacant lot to turn it into a mountain landscape, a dear neighbor chugged a mini loaders therefore free and pushed towards the pavement.
We sighed again. Oh yes. Thus, a wheel loader ...
Before we knew it there was this nice little "toy" for us in service. Neighbor saw blades wrangle us and laughed, took one and came.
This is cooperation and mutual aid. Something that is increasingly rare and thus valuable, too.
He has now taken half an hour just for us and our snow mountains in front of the house time, we almost made a Christmas gift with a difference.
His time and his wheel loader and its power to us in a very short time a free court and a clean sidewalk and created a snowy landscape over. And a clear view from the kitchen window.
What a luxury in those days and I am delighted with the gift to others is perhaps a "little thing". For me it is not. After all, who divides his time and even helps just once? That does not happen so often and so this willingness is still worth more than you think, and an inspiration to look again more for the others unfortunately. Maybe someone still needs help and you can really move someone's world with half an hour?
My neighbor with the loader at any rate, today was the help and inspiration in equal and who is now too late in his business comes to whom I send a big THANK YOU!
Joyous Greetings
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