Advent is a time for me to read. Not that I would otherwise never make it. On the contrary, I read a lot and be happy, but in Advent, it is always a special pleasure to me. I like the quiet in my house, everywhere there is warm and cozy, cookies on the table, the smell of freshly brewed tea or coffee, my Christmas ornament that I mentioned before 1 Advent has spread all over glitter, a little and the cat, now toddles Supermoppelchen the only lazy one place to another cuddle pillow, purring to do so.
Last year I read my way through the Christmas stories of Charles Dickens. I like to paint his lyrical and sometimes beautiful language and his way of pictures with words. An impressive body of work and I will certainly take it again and again in the hand ...
had this year I wanted something different from the Nicholas John Grisham. The author is well known for thrillers and more interesting novels like "The Jury", his first work. So exciting, in fact and rather serious Add. So to speak.
"The Celebration" is quite the opposite. Funny and lively, the author tells of the sick, Luther and Nora, her daughter Blair a few weeks before Christmas in Peru, travels to spend some kind of gap year. Sad overthrow the two is on the way home from the airport into a kind of food fight and Luther sullen and annoyed.
The accountant begins to list all expenditures from last year and comes on a handsome little sum and think further. What if Christmas would turn out? He could also use this little sum different. Luther makes a plan that convinces Nora and from that moment on, the two are alone. Very alone. For the rest of the world celebrates staged Christmas and surrenders to the collective Truthahnschmückrausch and to celebrate and donate. The patient did not. Yes they have a plan. And they stay. To exactly ... no, I do not say. Read for yourself!
It pays to this comedy is funny, made me laugh, amused me and prepared me very great pleasure. Grisham from the other side and one that I like very much. And so some people may find themselves, perhaps, in one of the people, even if the author has not determined the intended, but a little madness is just always there, at Christmas ... ? Or
Here are the details:
John Grisham, "The Celebration", ISBN: 978-3-453-40827-2 , Heyne Verlag, just under 208 pages, 12 €, bound;!
I great pleasure to read and something for real Christmas muffle
reading Hilarious greetings
Birgit Bauer
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