Beautiful Mist - Across the transformation into a part-time country bumpkin
not only at the newsagent, where more and more magazines compete around the country life for buyers, it is clear that vegetable garden and Co. are in fashion. Last I read the same two books, dealing with this issue. In her pocketbook "Beautiful Mist" says Irmgard Hochreither as it has done the man by her side, they - turn it into a weekend country bumpkin - a confident big city plant.
The Hamburg who loves to travel, is initially not on fire when her husband tells of a cheap Accommodation, located in the former East Rand area. The ancient farmhouse with a large property in the future to serve as a weekend house. Finally, the author does an Appointment wide strike and already on the following Saturday is the 122 kilometer route between home and perhaps the future weekend home completed. This first stay at the rural retreat in the author evokes childhood memories of holidays in the countryside. More persuasive are superfluous - the couple have agreed to sign the lease.
The following chapters talk about all sorts of animals, neighbors, community support, gossip and why it was suddenly hard to say goodbye again on Sunday evening for a working week of part-time country life.
learns in passing the garden interested reader that John Seymour's "self-sufficiency from the garden" for decades on the bookshelf of every city is one refugee While Irmgard Hochreither also surprised that her husband has such a book, he is busy with the planning of raised beds, dreaming of jumbo radishes. At another point is the talk of a gentle woman (it is not the author!) Who takes the night in the truest sense of the term intrusive measures to the slug plague Mr. (or Ms.) are. Horticulture is little else to read, but this is no reason to waive the reading!
The second book is named country like the way of Novella Carpenter, and is called "My Little City Farm - details coming soon in this blog.
Irmgard Hochreither:
Beautiful Mist
Ullstein publishers, 2011
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