Dear Braco
Today 43 years ago has risen in the sky, a new star ... we celebrate your birthday in countless hearts.
encounter us in silence, because you are like the sun?
As the sun that to everyone and everything seems to equanimity and peace, you give us your views by rays of love, mercy, of tolerance and true compassion ...
we see you shine because you are like the sun?
tirelessly, invulnerable - always gleaming like it - your glance penetrates us, nourishes us, changed us ...
Will you remind us that the earth revolves around the sun and not vice versa, if we focus our attention on you?
Is the light of the sun, the true source of ALL?
Does ALL-ES from the sun, The fire, air, water and earth?
Is everything man needs mentioned in the sun?
is the gold of the sun symbol condensed sunlight?
Dear Braco - what we can to you, a sun in human form do?
we prove ourselves worthy to wear the symbol of the sun. We all encounter people, animals and plants in love, tolerance and compassion - HOW YOU -. We realize the Golden Age NOW .
Thank you for helping us, even if we do not always succeed!
"There is nothing better than when we wake up in the morning and come in through the window of the bedroom, the sun rays. So after awakening comes the sun. This is the symbol that makes us happy. Once we feel the sun on our face, we are just happy and glad. Since the Almighty Father wishes us directly a good morning and a successful day. "(P. 57f.)
" Although science has made great progress, still it can not about the weather and the determine seasons. Why? It is simply not given to man to decide it. "(P. 58)
"The sun is the mechanism that determines everything and everything is moving. (...) So it's all very simple, right? Yes, it is only we humans always do things complicated." (P. 60).
quotes from the fifteenth book "Sun" Braco & Ivica
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