Dear Ivica, today is your birthday! Everything, all the best for you!

Thank you for allowing me to address you by Braco. Thank you for your continued help on the invisible path through your books and the work of Braco.
want your photo at your favorite flowers - Gladiolus from the field.
Thank you for the sun to bring us more and more radiation, until they are completely screened and allows us to be golden. Thanks for letting me celebrate your birthday at home this time and I can connect with the energy.
A few months ago I became acquainted with the Homa Therapy, the ancient Vedic science of bioenergy. Homa is a Sanskrit word that refers to the process of removing toxic conditions of the atmosphere by fire. Through the fire at sunrise and sunset (Agnihotra) in a copper pyramid, the atmosphere is cleaned and healed. The principle is: "You heal the atmosphere and the clean atmosphere heals." The healing Ash remains which can be used widely in humans, animals, plants, water etc. I
In connection with Homa I found the following passage on the internet that has opened my eyes more guarded for the book "gold, the earth golden Ivica Prokic and symbol of the sun from Braco and Ivica ...
"Once the saw was broadcast in the ground hidden gold that spread over the globe, a high energy. Today is missing the big banks in the world, the earth - a major part of the gold melted down into bars and locked up in a few vaults. Now not only the gold, but also its energy. Nature is also weakened thereby.
The resulting ash from the Homa fires is a very high energy. Above all, the Agnihotra creates these extremely high energy, which is preserved in the ash. It is similar in energy, if not stronger than that of gold. Thanks to the worldwide practice of Homa fires, the task that the gold was intended, are now met through the ashes. "

quotes from" Gold protects the Earth "by Ivica Prokic, Book 8
seeing "how gold protects the earth. gold is love.
To date, gold is actually an undiscovered metal. I ask you all to hide in the safe in the ground, everywhere. Everyone is afraid to adorn himself with eating it, but I have announced that the only weapon against the evil GOLD. "(P. 43)
" protects the gold and protects the protected humanity, the earth, and where gold is, whenever you're in trouble, you awaken their spiritual leader, to wake themselves up and so no one can harm them.
Why flees the evil before the gold!
why, because it is directly from God. the sheer brilliance and glory of the sun and the gold are combined as a balm on the wound. " (p. 44)
" The human race is asleep and it is up to the last day to sleep or waking. Yes, it will ask me how strong this gold in the earth and how it works. This gold in the world is matter, but also the oil is matter. If we start the car , then it drives the motor on and with our cars, we pollute the rest of the environment. But I ask you, have you heard about it and know that we also have visitors from other planets. I ask you, how they come to us? Have you ever wondered that if the need be and how much oil and gasoline, so they can start and come to us to see our civilization. (...)
I ask you to wake you, it's time for you.
you start your car and go on the trip. They will drive a few hours, then you must at the gas station keep gasoline and fill up to continue the journey. I know that you still do not understand myself what I can do about it when you sleep?
God have you locked up in the coffers, gasoline you pay with money, it pollutes the environment and you have never arrived here. But have you asked exactly how the science of how people come from another planet. "(P. 48-49)
" Do anyone of anything bad and they will return nothing . The gold is to protect you, but you wear it a credible and look at it as something of himself. (...) Your Ivica loves you very much and it will protect you like me too.
why Ivica with lots and lots of gold and is just as we say, a golden man. " (p. 70)
How do we know, that a book or a website that teaches truth? Because we feel the truth in us. What is the evidence that Ivica, Jesus, Buddha taught others the truth? "Because we feel like it. Our prophet-soul is the acknowledgment of their Prophet soul. The divine spark in us is proof of God himself
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