travel nearly 2,000 people on 26 September 2010 to the Zurich Congress to meet at Braco's view. Braco sees in every man the eternal, indestructible, this has always been and always will be. He calls it the spark (see the sparks to the flame.) I have tried to present my visual perception ... I see Braco's ethereal nature. The physical level takes a back seat: colors and radiation such as sunlight. This light will begin on each head of the visitors to shine. - We are all a luminous.
through gaze of power to the people of their inner light - which is our true nature, more and more aware. Matter is condensed light. If we have eyes only for the gross, we only see the clouds from the sun, the brew into a storm, living in stressful, hectic, and plagued by disease and negative experiences.
It is a question of Awareness of what we perceive - whether we are happy or unhappy. Being happy is our birthright. A car is very different whether we are near the top, bottom, side, inside, obliquely, by, watch from a distance - or as a complete recording ...
The perception of inner light is connected with a sense of security and happiness. In this perception, there are no diseases, no problems.
Everyone has that spark and we are all connected to each other by ... It is only our stories and experiences, which seem to differ in the rational dimension. Opinions, attachments, images, Expectations, desires, often limit us to enjoy the great gift of our being-in the now.
love is true love if it is unconditional. Unconditional love is not a feeling but a state of consciousness.
May we always more to be guardians of our inner light can be and the earth will shine with more light and shadows disappear.
Upcoming events in Switzerland:
On Sunday 7 November 2010, 8.30-13.45 clock is Braco next time the Congress House in Zurich. 15 clock lecture by Prof. Alex Schneider followed Encounter
On Friday 26 November 2010, 20:00 to 21:30 clock tells Braco his light under the Basel Awareness Day aura in 2010 subsequent to the lecture by Prof. Alex Schneider