Croatian healer Braco found recently in Germany a lot of attention. On his birthday, hundreds of people regularly come to him to thank for their recovery
S o untreatable, disappointed by the doctors, but also people who be in crisis situations go to Braco (pronounced Braazo - to German: little brother). And not just once. You are looking at it regularly - as often as they can. And it will cost them a cent. The gift of his gift will not sell it, Braco said, mutatis mutandis.
were set by him almost unbelievable healing processes. People open their hearts to this special healing energy and remain in silent prayer. In the solid belief that anything is possible - even a spontaneous healing. After the Austrian television on 11 January 2007 for the first time a program of Braco broadcast and reported on his now 16-years of work wanted, yet at the same Evening over a thousand calls at the sender details on the next healing events experienced.
Some people are tears in their eyes when they stand in the crowd in front of the healer. Even men can not be suppressed forever. Many are deeply moved and breathe. Some have photos of relatives, their children or friends there and they keep visible to himself. Clearly felt the burden that many people. And everyone in the room knows about the burden of the other and connecting them to the heart level. They feel each other and smile to himself.
After an introduction to German and Croatian by Bracos team, meditative music sounds through the room. Then comes in Braco and stands in front of the group. A little higher, so it can see all those present and it looks good for a few minutes in the face.
Presumably there are prayer energies that touch people deeply and multiply in the group and thus trigger events on a physical level. A visitor seems to be in a trance condition to. She sways like a magnet drawn to and fro. Many People are talking about an energy of love and happiness that they feel and that they find warmth, security and Getröstetsein. The reactions are certainly very dependent on the individual and his individual capacity, to open.
"The eyes are the window to the soul," it says. Bracos eyes are windows to the participants for God. The "silent healer with the giving sight" it is also called. But Braco is no cure itself explicitly promise. He even advises people to take any medical help.
Most people bring a bouquet of flowers with, with whom she would like to thank symbolically at Braco. At the end of the meeting they will then return a (different) flowers. The bouquets wander thus by a visitor to another. Just as Braco wants his love and power of the people are carried on.
How Braco discovered his abilities The 39-year-old Braco is from Croatia. He now lives in Zagreb and works not only there but more and more on countless trips through Europe. Regular events are healing in Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, instead.
Braco studied as a young man business and soon built up a successful HandeIsunternehmen. Then he got to know the famous healer in Zagreb Ivica. He was once so delighted and amazed that he gave his life so far, Ivica and moved to him until his unfortunate death in 1995 of deep friendship, admiration and devotion accompanied. Ivicas only after death and by the reports and encouragement of other people discovered Braco that it has itself also has healing powers. The fact that he obviously intended and was able to continue working Ivicas.
Braco waived payment. The events are either completely free or attend for a small fee. They are usually open to anyone and without prior notification.
If life is worth living again
Kraichtal-Unteröwisheim, north of Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden are the places in Germany, held regularly in which group healing encounters with Braco. Many of the attendees that are already once again report a recovery.
Tatjana Lampertz * told from Dusseldorf..
"I was stuck for a long time in a deep crisis, psychologically and existentially I was unemployed and fell into a deep depression I also had to provide my bedridden mother, previously a year in the hospital was and has now been sent home was. I could handle it all anymore. From a Colleague, I heard one day of Braco and that they would often go to him because they know there have improvement in their chronic bronchitis.
me offered to take me in her car. My situation at that time made me forget my skepticism - I had no choice but maybe a chance. During the meeting with Braco I could not feel any change in my depressive state. But very soon after I felt much better. I felt relieved and I again took courage to apply for a job. At the very first call I received a confirmation. I was overjoyed.
I drove a few times with my friends and had feel as if I was suddenly free with a blocked path. Just as if a cork flying out of a champagne bottle. My usual energy returned. It was like a miracle. Next time I
took with my mother. She could not walk alone at that time. After several visits to Braco now makes them walk again today. Their organic symptoms have improved and she is not incontinent. I feel all this positive turn in my life as a great gift for which I am eternally grateful. "
Reinhard Appelt * says:" I Braco know from the Austrian TV broadcast as "Primavera" His appearance on TV has me very intrigued.. I then attended two events with him. I am 55 years old and had ten years an ulcer on the sole of the foot and had surgery again and again at this point. Two years ago the doctors were planning even amputation. 14 days after my first visit to Braco, I noticed that my groups were always dry and cure began, so that the vacancy has now healed almost completely. "
Milana Raschko * from Kassel:" For years I suffered from very sore knees and could barely climb stairs. I am overweight and was also dependent on medication for bile disorders. I heard from a friend of Braco. There he is compatriot of mine, I was interested burning, to experience it directly. Since I came into the room to meet, I felt an energy that made me waver. It was burning hot and while I Bracos presence intensified the heat of feeling. At the end of the meeting, I was drenched in sweat.
That night I felt fine sparkling energy in my body and felt an incredible and joyous lightness. I visited the next day another medical encounter. Three days later I noticed that I no longer bile medicines I took it no longer needed. Meanwhile, I've
visited five medical encounters and my knee problems are now also the past. Whether I have experienced a permanent cure, I can not say yet. I would like medical attention to determine. "
prayer energies meet the self-healing powers of
learn more and more people to take subtle energy awareness and use it for themselves. They learn, responsible and attentive to deal with himself. By Braco they learn that the "quietness", the opening of the heart the way to inner peace and to physical and spiritual healing clears. blockages to break, induration resolved and healing energies are going. By the healer a kind of inner world movement initiated what an external world movement has resulted. Braco acts as a key energy and catalyst. Each finds its own access to the ever-present natural energy.
It is not enough, as often as possible just to visit free healing events, and otherwise leave everything as is. You have to do something yourself - a little change in his thinking and acting. The uniqueness of one's own soul would be recognized. Man must learn to understand the language of the heart, which is the language of the soul. He should learn to listen to himself and recognize his own life plan: His skills and his duties in this world around him, in his family.
Braco can only impulses. Own forces develop in order to raise internal resources, the only one in itself can receive
With the knowledge gained and the change in consciousness then each has a real chance to end his suffering and disease programs.
Those who wish to make on this road needs, often an informed and sensitive support. It may therefore be of great value if you are also looking for a therapist as the companion. In close proximity to the venues in Germany (Kraichtal-Unteröwisheim and Baden-Baden), one can find such as "quantum leap" an individual and systemic coaching. Here an attempt is the unique potentials and resources of each expose, so he know himself and his own possibilities can.
The special forces group
The new fields of consciousness (morphic resonance fields by Sheldrake) to activate the collective memory. They show people that he is a spiritual being with a divine signature - the divine spark in his heart. These findings may also lead to a new global mass consciousness. Born the power of thought, especially from the physical, mental and spiritual necessity, creates enormous powerful vibration fields that with the fields of healing energies of creation one.
Starting from Croatia, the movement around Braco even the potential to become a powerful self-healing movement of our time to be. Because it is supported by highly motivated people who want to be healthy and have made their way to help themselves. "Your faith has healed," it says in the Bible.
have annually According to the team to a quarter million people Braco contact with the healer, directly and indirectly through his books and films. Also on the 8th World Congress of Spiritual Healing in the Basler PSI-days in November 2006 was the "phenomenon Braco" greatest attention. The Internet is about to read: "It was during these three days (PSI-day) something like the star of the event. There are about 3,000 people in his healing sessions and it would probably have been more, if the available space would have a larger capacity.
highlight of the PSI-day was certainly the Saturday, when Braco was presented together with other healers at the conference. During this performance, some felt in the room alone watching a movie about Braco heat and physical reactions. The information gathered in the hall people actually felt something like a collective consciousness. "
* name changed by editor
What experts Braco say about
The psychologist and sociologist Dr. Harald Wiesendanger is an internationally renowned expert on spiritual healing and has written several books on this topic. The phenomenon of spiritual healing, he has examined together with doctors and scientists for many years and experiments on scientific research. "In more open distance," he says. Wiesendanger has convinced himself of the forces Bracos.
"Twice I took part as observers in Bracos curious group healing sessions. Every time I touched that many participants, including doctors, reported the miraculous changes that who had used her meeting with Braco to get underway. At least as I was very impressed Bracos appearance: Although he is revered as a saint really, he has maintained an exemplary naturalness, modesty and humility.
from his conviction, with a gift shop should not be made, it can not be dissuaded. Although he could have long ago brought a multimillionaire. He waived forward to charge admission, even donations he refuses. In Braco I have met a good healer personality, one of the few who believe that Share International exchange for outstanding healers' (LVH) in good conscience can. Braco embodies a healer type, which is in the increasingly commercialized, marked by pomposity, hubris and esoteric esoteric market Nebelbombenwerferei unfortunately dying out. "
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Croatian parapsychologist, scientist and writer Dr. Drago Plecko Braco has accompanied a half years and explores his working methods. He welcomed over 150 hours of interview material and written numerous reports of people from receiving healing through Braco and help. In November 2006 his book "The Mystery Braco" in German and Croatian. This very thorough and interesting book is also written a textbook on spiritual healing.
"After I had gone 30 years by the whole world to explore the mystery of spiritual healing, I finally found in my own home country, just a few meters from my front door, the finest and largest power that I have ever met in Braco, "says Dr. Plecko.
"Braco asks us to fight as long as all negative energies and thoughts to ourselves until we have removed this with his help to the last atom from us. For we can not change our circumstances, but we can change ourselves."
The expert's statements Extracts are taken from the home page http://www.braco-info.com/ .
Braco Photos: From the book "The Mystery of Braco," courtesy of the publisher.
1 ) The Croatian healer Braco finds more recently, in Germany a lot of attention. On his birthday, hundreds of people regularly come to him to thank for their recovery
2) Braco affect the people seeking help only by his eye. His healing room in Zagreb with Onyxplanen and a 13-rayed sun, its symbol, decorated
3) Below: Grant was introduced in January this year in the ORF. To his left Vera Russwurm, the presenter of the program "Primavera", the right TV journalist Rena Ingram
4) Braco studied business administration and built a successful company. Through the encounter with a famous healer, he discovered his own healing powers
5) To Braco are not only sick. Also, people in desperate situations or seeking the meaning of it can give hope
6) Many felt after a healing session, new courage, for example, from unemployment to free
pray 7) or through meditation we can open ourselves inwardly and blockades. Only then can a cure to get underway. can succeed Braco is this the necessary impetus
8) By a change of consciousness is to also end a lengthy ordeal
9) In a group healing encounter as here in the Kurhaus in Hall in Tirol supports the field of consciousness of all present the well wishes of the single most effective